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Catherine Basten - Benefits of Camping

Catherine Basten is the travel agent in Denver, CO and also a Camping enthusiasts. Catherine Basten is devoted to furthering his career and keeps a busy schedule to succeed. Still, though, she loves escaping on the weekends to hike and camp with loved ones.

Camping unplugs you from your screens and technology, putting you in touch with the world around you. Too much time with technology can cause mental problems like anxiety and interfere with your sleep. It might also lead to neck pain, back pain and weight gain. 

Plus, if you spend all day worrying about what your friends are doing on social media, you miss out on time to assess and understand your own metal state. 

 Feel a Sense of Awe
When was the last time you felt a sense of awe looking at the world around you? Not on a screen, but in real life? Feeling awe and wonder can make you feel happier and less stressed, and there’s no better place to seek these feelings than a night under the stars. 

Whether you’re awe-struck by watching a bird eat a worm in the morning or watching the sun set on the horizon over dinner, camping is full of moments that inspire wonder.  

If possible, find a friend like Catherine Basten who camps regularly and has all the right gear to make the experience fun. Ask if you can join him or her on a short camping trip and, if you like it, take the hobby up for yourself.  


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